
AIS spoofing in the Black Sea: a quick OSINT demo

As we all are already aware, the Russian invasion of Ukraine started (officially) on February 24th, 2022, and it came along the so-called, classic war, with many other new, developed, and extensive types of warfare: cyber, radio, psychological, financial, etc.

This time, I will show you a quick and very simple OSINT demo, of the AIS spoofing and GPS jamming in West side of the Black Sea region.

AIS stands for Automatic Identification System and is digitally broadcasted information data, over VHF, consisting of ship name, course and speed, classification, call sign, registration number, MMSI, and other information. The Bridge Officers onboard the vessels are then using such information, as an additional tool, for enhancing the ship’s safety navigation and operations.

Since navigation (maritime, aero, auto, etc) is mainly based on the GPS constellation, the obvious target and scope was to interfere with its functionality in certain areas of interest. GPSJam is a live source of such activities.

Other alternative navigation satellite constellations: Galileo (owned by the European Space Agency), BeiDou (owned by the Chinese state), etc.


Now, returning to our AIS topic, today, 10.07.2024, at 03:20 UTC, I did a quick research on some publicly available sources, and here is what I’ve got:

On Marinetraffic, on an overall view over the western side of the Black Sea, you may notice some unusual reported positions inside of the Crimea Peninsula, just NE of Sevastopol.

Marinetraffic Black Sea

Zooming in a bit, you’ll observe that there is no “water” in the area, sea, lake or river).


Going to Google Maps, and finding the same location, you might wonder (or not), what few ships will do in the area of an airport… Simferopol Airport (between Rodykove and Ukromnoye area).

Google Maps Crimea

Then, I picked up randomly, an AIS of the bulk carrier, named “Magic L”.

Marine Traffic - Magic L

To verify the data is accurate, I cheked the same AIS on Vesselfinder, and surprise, here the position on the map was correct.

Vesselfinder - Magic L

As the minimum rule of 3rd, I check on another AIS marine traffic source, Shiplocation, and the confusion increased as pinpointing the ship’s name and AIS is resulted in double locations…

Shiplocation Magic L

The air traffic is affected too due to the shorter response time needed for taking the proper actions, the maritime AIS traffic spoofing is meant to create confusion, traffic jams, chaos or even accidents.

An extensive OSINT & Radio survey will follow, so stay tuned and safe!

SC OmnisMares SRL

InfoSec & ICT Maritime & SMB/SOHO:

CyberOps Social Media

Don’t! Don’t trust!

Don’t trust everything you see!

Don’t trust everything you hear!

Don’t trust everything you read!

Your common sense, education, feelings and perception of normality it will be greatly impacted by the mass-media and social media avalanche of so called, information.

“Breaking news” (or just “breaking” … because are so urgent that writing another word, “news”, takes way too much time and energy), are coming almost in real time.

Publish it first, check it later. Or never.

News “from (credible or confidential) sources“, but impossible to be verified, will manipulate you in the direction desired by the owner’s news or the distributor.

The news is not anymore neutral but heavily connected to who is paying the monthly check. Or the big bonus.

Journalism, as in the ethical code(s) originally planned, is “rara avis”.

I will not keep you a lecture about journalism, as it is not my field of specialty.

But I would like very briefly, to reiterate few advises for a safer and better online #cyberlife :

  • ThinkB4YouClick: Stop, Think, Act (is one of the very first advice you’ll get in a scuba diving class, in stress management).
  • Use a search engine and do basic research about the info you are just about to “like” and “share”. There are deeper and more complex tools to identify the original sources and to spot the dark side of that information, I’ll be back on this topic in a separate article.
  • Fake news, Misinformation, Disinformation, Deep Fake, with the aim of the advanced & powerful computer & dedicated software, and with the booming of the  #ArtificialIntelligence (aka #AI) support (or… leadership), will produce audio & visual content almost impossible to be classified. This plague will affect directly or indirectly, almost everything and everybody. A fine-tunned “news” (written, audio or video) can crash companies or stock markets, can divert politically elections, can turn the World upside down…
  • Everybody can be everything, any scammer can be a CEO.
  • Any crook can be a “public speaker”, any mobster can show off as a prolific businessman. Be suspicious with “overnight” booming businesses… Search who is behind that “successful story”! Search who is involved (politically, economically, “sentimentally/sexually”) in the background. Don’t trust everything you see posted on their “business” website!
  • Don’t get easily impressed by the high numbers of “likes”, “followers” or “comments” on certain websites, pages, groups or profiles. It is SO easy to buy your “celebrity”. I am not posting links to such “services” as I am not intending to promote such scammers!

And remember, a fake news or misinformation remains an information with no value.

No matter that there is partial reality or truth in that information, the diversion of it with the clear intention of manipulation, is canceling any value of it.

I guess, no!

Same with the information. Don’t accept contaminated news, do your best and filter it before accepting it.

If you are not sure how to verify a certain information, drop me an email, or get in directly in touch with me, I will be more than happy to give you some tips to help you in your future #cyberinvestigations. Confidentiality is by default!

… and to end up with a smaile…

Stay #cybersafe! is part of

CyberOps IT & Networking

3 basic steps to enhance your cyber-travel protection

The internet is full of competent advices in how to stay cyber-protected while surfing and browsing the world wide web.

In this very short guide, I will show you 3 very basic and very simple tricks to enhance your cybersecurity, on mobile, desktop or laptop device. Are free and easy to implement.

So, let’s begin:

  1. VPN: you heard about Virtual Private Network which is doing exactly what is saying: is placing your traffic inside of a tunnel between you and your final destination, via a Domain Name System provider. Trustable providers: CloudFlareWARP or ProtonVPN (free or payed). I strongly recommend to have VPN installed (at least 2-3 options, because in some countries you may face heavy or random difficulties to use them) and activated at all the time! Not only when travelling or performing online banking or shopping but 24/7/365. Not all VPN’s are equal good, some of them are well known for selling your traffic data to some other parties.

2. DNS – the 1st step after joining a network, change your default DNS to (part of Cloudflare), · ( part of Cisco), or (Quad9). The instructions are quite easy to follow and takes few minutes to be implemented.

3. Internet protection: no matter what OS or device you are using, the cyber-protection is a must. Don’t be a cheap bastard! If you pay couple of good hundreds of euros for a device, you’ll have some “peanuts” money for a yearly subscription. Don’t think that if you are not a high profile VIP or important CEO, your data are less valuable! You have phone contacts & emails (see the email phishing attack in 2021), pictures… private stuff! You should take care of your digital data as much as you take care of your real life! Bitdefender is one of the recommended AV options. Also, you can consult AV Comparatives if you are looking for another trustful option.

Keep in mind that there is no perfect and complete cybersecurity protection! You, the user, are playing a very important role too in staying safe in the wild cyber World.

For consulting & support, contact me as listed on the main Cyber-Cerber page.

Stay safe!


Manually Apps store & OS updates

Even if you have the setting on auto-updates, make a habit in manually forcing your App store (iOS or Android) to download & install updates for all your installed applications.

The speed of spreading the malware is incredible and sometimes, many times in fact, patches are released with immediate application.

Do the same good habit for Windows updates or macOS updates.

Do it one time, two times a week. It takes few seconds to see if your Apps or iOS/macOS/Android/Windows is up-to date.

Seconds which may save your virtual life. And sometimes, your real life too.


Screen Privacy Protector

In a World where privacy issues are getting bigger and bigger, sometimes small and simple solutions may have a big positive impact.

In the below video, I ran a small test. Devices: a laptop (Macbook Pro M1) and an iPhone 12 Pro Max. Both with Belkin privacy screen protector.

Screen intensity on both devices: approx 75%.

You’ll be pleasantly surprised to see that bystanders are not able to spy (with or without bad intentions) your screen. The 30 degrees view angle is excellent and is doing its job. For the mobile phone, the touch feeling and response is very good, plus the scratch protection included.

Installation on both laptop & mobile – very easy. And very important – with no air bubbles left between the screen and the protection foil.

Cybersecurity & personal privacy are not a joke anymore! Treat them with maximum responsibility!

For more info & advices, stay tuned on Cyber-Cerber.


2020 – the year of Cyber Attack explosion

With the pandemic COVID-19 forcing employees and offices to reinvent in remote working outside of the usual “bubble office environment” than what it used to be before, cybersecurity concerns explodes… And with good reasons!

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) was hit on April 9th by a cyber-attack.

On September 28th, CMA CMG suffered also a cyber-attack over its servers.

And this is not something really new… Back in May 2019, Princess Cruises (branch of Carnival Cruises) suffered a cyber incident.

IMO is developing a dedicated a dedicated department for the maritime cybersecurity guidelines to implement higher and stronger procedures and standards in protecting companies virtual assets.

Lloyd’s Register , DNV , US Coast Guard (to mention just a few) are taking also steps forward in implementing the IMO “Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3) – July 2017“.

Cybersecurity is real and countermeasures are available and applicable. Don’t remain behind and exposed… Keep up with the future!

by CyberCerber