The internet is full of competent advices in how to stay cyber-protected while surfing and browsing the world wide web.
In this very short guide, I will show you 3 very basic and very simple tricks to enhance your cybersecurity, on mobile, desktop or laptop device. Are free and easy to implement.
So, let’s begin:
- VPN: you heard about Virtual Private Network which is doing exactly what is saying: is placing your traffic inside of a tunnel between you and your final destination, via a Domain Name System provider. Trustable providers: CloudFlareWARP or ProtonVPN (free or payed). I strongly recommend to have VPN installed (at least 2-3 options, because in some countries you may face heavy or random difficulties to use them) and activated at all the time! Not only when travelling or performing online banking or shopping but 24/7/365. Not all VPN’s are equal good, some of them are well known for selling your traffic data to some other parties.

2. DNS – the 1st step after joining a network, change your default DNS to (part of Cloudflare), ยท ( part of Cisco), or (Quad9). The instructions are quite easy to follow and takes few minutes to be implemented.

3. Internet protection: no matter what OS or device you are using, the cyber-protection is a must. Don’t be a cheap bastard! If you pay couple of good hundreds of euros for a device, you’ll have some “peanuts” money for a yearly subscription. Don’t think that if you are not a high profile VIP or important CEO, your data are less valuable! You have phone contacts & emails (see the email phishing attack in 2021), pictures… private stuff! You should take care of your digital data as much as you take care of your real life! Bitdefender is one of the recommended AV options. Also, you can consult AV Comparatives if you are looking for another trustful option.
Keep in mind that there is no perfect and complete cybersecurity protection! You, the user, are playing a very important role too in staying safe in the wild cyber World.
For consulting & support, contact me as listed on the main Cyber-Cerber page.
Stay safe!