Social Media

Facebook – Review posts you’re tagged in

Did you noticed that when you self-tagged in a post and later on you want to have that post on your wall, you don’t find it in you’re “activities”?

No problemo, there is a work-around solution!

For some reasons, Facebook does not shows always your self-tagged post in you’re “activity” therefore you cannot add it on your wall. What you have to do is:

  • make you’re post and tag yourself with @myname
  • check Activity log
  • Review posts you’re tagged in
  • Verify in either “Friends” or “Others” – most probably, you’re post where you just self-tagged, is not visible there so you cannot “Add to Profile”
  • To correct the problem:
    • return to your original post,
    • open “edit”,
    • delete YOU’RE (self)tagged @myname,
    • save the post,
    • open again you’re same post
    • and edit it by adding again you’re @myname
    • and save it again – “update post”.
  • Redo the steps described above “Edit Profile” – “Activity Log” – “Review posts you’re tagged in” and there you are. “Add to Profile” and you are done!

Hope you enjoyed the tip, stay safe and have fun!

by CyberCerber


2020 – the year of Cyber Attack explosion

With the pandemic COVID-19 forcing employees and offices to reinvent in remote working outside of the usual “bubble office environment” than what it used to be before, cybersecurity concerns explodes… And with good reasons!

Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) was hit on April 9th by a cyber-attack.

On September 28th, CMA CMG suffered also a cyber-attack over its servers.

And this is not something really new… Back in May 2019, Princess Cruises (branch of Carnival Cruises) suffered a cyber incident.

IMO is developing a dedicated a dedicated department for the maritime cybersecurity guidelines to implement higher and stronger procedures and standards in protecting companies virtual assets.

Lloyd’s Register , DNV , US Coast Guard (to mention just a few) are taking also steps forward in implementing the IMO “Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management (MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3) – July 2017“.

Cybersecurity is real and countermeasures are available and applicable. Don’t remain behind and exposed… Keep up with the future!

by CyberCerber