Social Media

Facebook – Review posts you’re tagged in

Did you noticed that when you self-tagged in a post and later on you want to have that post on your wall, you don’t find it in you’re “activities”?

No problemo, there is a work-around solution!

For some reasons, Facebook does not shows always your self-tagged post in you’re “activity” therefore you cannot add it on your wall. What you have to do is:

  • make you’re post and tag yourself with @myname
  • check Activity log
  • Review posts you’re tagged in
  • Verify in either “Friends” or “Others” – most probably, you’re post where you just self-tagged, is not visible there so you cannot “Add to Profile”
  • To correct the problem:
    • return to your original post,
    • open “edit”,
    • delete YOU’RE (self)tagged @myname,
    • save the post,
    • open again you’re same post
    • and edit it by adding again you’re @myname
    • and save it again – “update post”.
  • Redo the steps described above “Edit Profile” – “Activity Log” – “Review posts you’re tagged in” and there you are. “Add to Profile” and you are done!

Hope you enjoyed the tip, stay safe and have fun!

by CyberCerber